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Another moniker is given by Bullet Club Gold, but not to Austin Gunn

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    Bullet Club Gold is in a giving mood. The gift du jour is handing out nicknames. Jay White has long been established as King Switch. Juice Robinson is Rock Hard. Colten Gunn was dubbed Fully Cocked. Another member of the group received their moniker, but it wasn’t Austin Gunn.

    Watch the Bullet Club Gold ham it up as only they can. The video is pretty funny.

    The scene took place in the locker room after victory at All In. The Gunns were in awe of being in front of over 80,000 fans at Wembley Stadium in only the third year of their careers. Austin tried to shift the conversation to determining his nickname. He read off suggestions, such as Squirt and Automatic, but his words were ignored.

    White informed Austin that he had a nickname for the lad, but Juice Robinson burst in to interrupt. Juice had Cardblade with him in a suit of bubble wrap. The gang was excited that Cardblade’s visa cleared allowing entry into the UK.

    Austin was back on his phone and read out the suggestion Cock Strong. White’s eyes lit up upon hearing those words. It appeared as if White was close to labeling Austin, then Colten blurted out Cardblade. The crew rejoiced at the idea of Cock Strong Cardblade. Bullet Club Gold exited to party, and Austin was left hanging once again without a nickname.

    May the nickname saga continue...

    What’s your reaction to Cock Strong Cardblade?


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    Author: Victoria Brown

    Last Updated: 1704108242

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    Name: Victoria Brown

    Birthday: 1972-11-18

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    Introduction: My name is Victoria Brown, I am a dedicated, treasured, frank, esteemed, unyielding, ingenious, striking person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.